
Saturday, October 2, 2021

How to Compete with my Competitors Using Competitive Intelligence Thinking

 How to Compete with my Competitors Using Competitive Intelligence Thinking

How to compete with my competitors using Competitive Thinking In this article, we present our ideas on how to compete with our competitors using Intelligent Competitive Thinking. Knowing who to compete with is very important. And knowing how to compete with them is important. Why? Given the opportunity, they will take all the reputable businesses you have and leave you and your team in the trash.

Do you know who your rival is? You may think you know who your rivals are, but a more thorough investigation may reveal just who they are. Do you know how many competitors are looking at your targeted customers? How did they approach them, present their offering, and sell it? Plan good questions. Response will help you build your competitive strategy. And, finally, to strengthen your business.

Who are your rivals? So, you work out who you can compete with. Who are the best players serving your market? Generally, there are two types of competitors you will face. Those companies that sell products or services that are similar to yours. And those organizations have something different to offer. But your customers can use them to solve the same problems in what you can solve. Describe your competitors and write them as follows:

Key competitors The following best competitors Newcomers and those companies that can enter the market but have not yet done so. You will begin to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. Obviously, the more you know, the more you will be able to update the list. Your most important threat will be clear.

Your main competitors The main competitors to worry about are:

Good business model Happy customers Happy reputation Good profitability (paper and real) What do they do better than you? With an open mind, see:

What do they do better than you? What are their marketing and marketing strategies? What’s so good (or bad) about their strategies ?. What are they doing at the level of strategies that you can take full advantage of? Also, what mistakes did they make? And what do you do better than your competitors? Competitive strategy analysis Answer these and other questions; will allow you to improve your competitive strategy analysis.

But what can we do about the analysis of competitive strategies?

First, you need to understand the market areas in which you need to compete. So the first question should be simple. Do you want to compete in that market place? After that, if you go further, you need to decide if you will work in the same market as your competitors. Or try trying to stand out from the crowd. Two main ways to compete for price or quality.

Compete for price If you want to compete for a price, you need to know how much it costs you and your competitor to deliver a product or service. Then decide whether your competitor will answer for you by lowering their prices. And if they do, you'll be able to survive. If you can't survive, will it be worth it?

If you can't compete for the price, then you have to be more creative. First, you need to isolate yourself. Love your customers, look to the future and have the ability to advertise yourself.

Divide Make your business and your contribution different from your competitor. Analyze why a customer prefers you over someone else? Is it expensive, or are they better than you at something they do? Did they bring the product to market in the first place? Is their donation a better quality compared to yours? Can you go faster than them or provide better back care? What about your marketing process? Can you make it easier to buy for yourself?

Look ahead Look at your growth plans and understand where you want to be next year and next year. Have a plan for how you will achieve what you want to do and understand things like:

What are the next big things in your market, and what do your customers want to buy. Are there any less popular products? Is it necessary that no other supplier can really help hit the market? Know and care for your customers To do anything in your market, you need to know your customers / clients. Without this knowledge, do not forget to grow. Is it about paying too little for something? Or is it to ensure that they are above the latest technological advances? Are they looking for the latest products or are they happy with what they have? Are they satisfied with the way you do business?

Do your procedures guarantee any flexibility or speed in delivery? Are they expecting discount or customer rewards, loyalty points and better credit terms? Only the highest customer standards. An unusual response to their needs is acceptable in today's world.

Tell the world not to hide your talent and ability under the bus. On the contrary, it is very important to shout at you and what you do.

This can be done traditionally by advertising in local newspapers. By dropping leaflets and placing placards in your window. Or offer business cards at social events.

A clear, professional and easy-to-understand website is essential. As important as the speed of your website is. If your website is old, slow and tired, it will make you look the same, especially against a competitor. Most importantly, a slow and poor website will ensure that you will not be found on Google. Encourage what you do. Provide non-commercial content on social media consistently and professionally.

Conclusion How to Compete with Competitive Intelligence Thinking In this article entitled How to Compete with Competitive Intelligence Thinking, we have given you some ideas on how to compete with your competitors. And how to make sure you know

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