
Saturday, October 2, 2021

Breaking down this LinkedIn user's argument on data privacy

Breaking down this LinkedIn user's argument on data privacy

Privacy has been a major topic of online discussion, and I’ve been seeing a lot of it lately especially on Linkedin.

Take these popular random posts, for example, which are matched by high technology and how they use our data:


Consider inviting a business partner to dinner at your home. Throughout the lunch break, they are always trying to sell their products or services. In addition, whenever you do not look, they take pictures of every corner of your home, sneak into your bedroom and combine your drawers with your personal belongings. If you also encounter them, they tell you that it is your job to choose * to get out of such behavior. After all, they were just trying to get to know you as well as possible, measuring their offerings to you. In fact, they may even justify their behavior because you did not choose to get out of it. And, naturally, they would insist on having the right to sell all the information they collected to anyone who was willing to pay for it. Why not, right?

You could throw them out of your house, and it probably won't end there.


Why do you allow companies to do such things?

Just because you let them. As soon as you click that “subscribe” button on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, or Google, you agree to their terms and conditions and privacy policy whether you read it or not.

In other words, they wouldn’t excuse their behavior as appropriate because you didn’t choose to opt out, and that you gave your consent to allow the big tech to do what they wanted with your data in the first place.

So in my eyes, there is a big hole in his argument.

But there is good news.

It's not like you don't control your privacy. There are a few things I did to give you more control:

1. Go to my account settings and adjust my privacy settings (I'm not sure if most people know they can do that).

2. Use browser extensions to block trackers, ads, and third-party cookies.

3. Obtaining other services that take data privacy seriously. For example, I'm in the process of switching from Gmail to Protonmail. It will take a while to completely migrate because I have too many files stored in Google Drive, but eventually it will be done.

Then post continues:


Businesses with great potential to reach out and engage people (their employees, customers and the community) will thrive in the digital age and have a bright future ahead of them. These are the companies we manage our data, money and attention. Those are the symbols I can happily represent and spread the word about.

It is much easier to advertise, sell and run the business well when your target audience is willing to pay attention. Build trust, and they will build trust with you. Stop fighting and arguing, start putting people first.

It is an excellent short-term and long-term strategy, and besides, it is the right thing to do.


Really, it is the right thing to do.

And there are many solutions to get your target audience to pay attention and build trust with you.

Social media, podcasting, webinars, public speaking, or all of the above.

But my favorite:


Specifically by using my methods I teach You How To Become A Titan Email.

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